World of Services

Online Services started to be one of the leading offshore software development, designing & outsourcing company contemplating in the business of providing services of any complexity to clients worldwide nowadays. On the other hand its a structure which been working with a wide array of businesses in different verticals and across different geo-graphics, over the years and providing them solutions that work and address their business needs.


To join this world, we established a well organized and solid infrastructure in order to develop and deliver custom premium solutions for the end users wither when it comes to consumers level as low end or organizations level as high end despite of its design complexity. As IoT (Internet of Things) is our main target because its widely used today or at least the upcoming global method among entities since IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

"The Internet of Things is the intelligent connectivity of physical devices driving massive gains in efficiency, business growth, and quality of life."

Why internet of Things:

  • Efficient
  • New Economic Value
  • Quality of Life

Solution Areas:

  • Oil & Gas
  • Electric / Water Utilities
  • Vehicle Fleet
  • Field Crews with private Radios
  • Warehouses / Yards
  • Retail of Hospitals
  • Heavy Machinery



Connecting the Unconnected

Solution Overview

Platform Features

Full D.D.P.P Analytics

Descriptive (What Happened), Diagnostics (Root Cause), Predictive (What will happen) and Prescriptive (What to Do).

Cloud Analytics

All our analytics including Streaming Analytics, Machine Learning, NLP and AI Algorithms can run at the Edge of the network and in the cloud.


HTML5 dashboard style visualisations, tabular presentations, advanced Geo Mapping, 500+ widgets, Layout Manager and Drag & Drop support.

Manage & Monitor

Complete embedded management including overall health, application life-cycle & edge event processing.

Over 160 Protocols

Secure authenticated zero touch provisioning of device configuration, agent configuration, firmware and updates.

Developer Suite

Source control, versioning, full debugger, tagging, branching, logging, layout manager, 500+ UI components , full code editor.

Asset Modelling

Provide an "Asset Centric View" of IoT devices by attaching both static and dynamic attributes and adding advanced data tagging.

Microservice Architecture

A complete microservices based design leveraging docker and kubernetes for all.

Centralized Integrations

All our Integrations are centrally managed and controlled visually within our platform for ease of use and maintenance.


Many integrations across enterprise applications, devices & gateways, cloud services and ecosystem partner applications.

Expandable Integrations

Add new Integrations with custom microservices, webservices APIs, modelling tools and developer tools.

Data Storage

For both cloud and on premise solutions. As of time series storage, document based storage, relational storage aswell as in memory-caching.

Data Ingestion

We ingest date leveraging 100s of built in protocols from modbus to canbus and also provide the ability to create custom connectors.

Data Governance

Monitoring, remediating & reporting on common & customer-defined data quality issues alongside customer configurable polices.

Access Control

Fully featured user role based access control at platform tenet level. Device, asset ,micro-service and AEP access is also fully role based.

Secure Comms

Device, gateway and sensor communications are all token authentication based and Client User Interface access is TLS 1.2.

Secure Architecture

Threat detection, notifications, trusted components only, hardened environments and trusted APIs.

Fields of usage

Vehicles Compatibility

SP & Utility Fleets

Fire Trucks

Law Enfocement


City Rail

Heavy & Freight Rail

Mass Transit

Enterprise Fleets

School Buses

Federal Fleets

Platform Screenshots